
A digital meet-up platform for international youth work

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DINA.international is an internet platform offering organisational and communication tools for your international youth exchange projects. DINA stands for Digital International Networking Activities.

How to create the atmosphere of a youth exchange in virtual space? Our digital meeting and conference centre gives you the opportunity to prepare projects and discuss them afterwards using video calls. You can even conduct whole exchange projects online. It is also possible to involve your interpreters. On top of that, DINA.international offers a range of collaboration tools such as file storage, chat, to-do-lists and calendars. You can use the platform to present your projects and tell the others about them.


Video conference

Our video tool enables you to get together with your participants in different virtual spaces and to create the correct atmosphere for your meeting.

Organising a project

You can manage files with Nextcloud, create calendars and to-do-lists or collaborate via pads.


Using the rocket.chat messenger you can send direct messages to your organising team or to your participants via different channels, and also with the mobile app.

All functions at a glance

Who can use DINA.international?

  • Extracurricular youth work professionals
  • teachers and mentors in vocational training who organise school exchange projects
  • youth group leaders
  • multipliers
  • education professionals
  • adolescents, children, young adults and schoolchildren taking part in school exchange projects

How can I use DINA.international?

Register free of charge and create a user account.

Select the expert centre or the funder who forwarded you here.

Launch a project and create a group.

Invite your partners and colleagues to the group and plan together.

Establish YOUR digital conference centre!

Currently on the platform




Projects and groups



Digital conference centre

Projects and groups

TRIDEM - polsko-niemiecko-ukraińskie konwersacje

TRIDEM - polsko-niemiecko-ukraińskie konwersacje

**Tridem GFPS w Warszawie** Zapraszamy na polsko-niemiecko-ukraińskie rozmówki Tridem organizowane przez GFPS we współpracy z Katedrą Studiów Interkulturowych Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej UW przy na ul. Dobrej 55, odbywające się w czwartki w godz. 18.30 – 20.00 do końca czerwca. Link do zgłoszeń (osoby polskojęzyczne): https://forms.gle/h2fPTwZFgh2XL1ae8 Запрошуємо на польсько-німецько-українські мовні зустрічі Tridem, організовані GFPS у співпраці з…

TRIDEM - konwersacje polsko-niemiecko-ukraińskie

TRIDEM - konwersacje polsko-niemiecko-ukraińskie

Cześć! Nadciąga zima, długie ciemne wieczory. Maja nasza wielka entuzjastka nauki języków poprzez nieformalne metody, jak np. Tandem wyszła z inicjatywą zorganizowania cyklu spotkań Tridemowych w ramach projektu UW dla Ukrainy oraz przy współpracy z GFPS. *> Spotkania są kierowane dla osób, które zainteresowane są poszerzeniem znajomości chciażby jednego z trzech tutułowych języków (niemiecki, ukraiński,…

Deutsch-ukrainische Sprachwerkstatt "ä та ї" 2023

Deutsch-ukrainische Sprachwerkstatt "ä та ї" 2023

Deutsch-ukrainische Sprachwerkstatt "ä та ї" 2023 in Borkow (DE), 25.08. – 08.09.2023 Українська версія Endlich: Unsere deutsch-ukrainische Sprachwerkstatt geht in die 5. Runde! 20 junge Menschen von deutscher und ukrainischer Seite treffen sich, um zwei Wochen voller Abenteuer miteinander zu verbringen und ganz nebenbei Ukrainisch- bzw. Deutsch zu lernen. Zum Programm gehört der Sprachunterricht am Vormittag (insgesamt…


Tetiana Kriukovska

International study visit to the Polish-Ukrainian border «PALIANYTSIA» Discovering resistance of the civil society in times of russia’s war in Ukraine. 19-24 August 2024 at @narodnyj Poland

We will learn from historians and inhabitants of the town on the phenomena of Ukrainian resistance, solidarity and support. We will become a part of this climate of confidence, empathy and support.

While the world becomes more and more distant to Ukraine, you will have a chance to be supporting the people of Ukraine closer to their home. Despite the ongoing russia’s war against Ukraine, in large parts of the country, normal life continues. Normality is part of resilience, and it is being upheld by civil society.

Many civic initiatives are looking for answers to these burning questions: How can I stay active in the local community and be helpful ? How can scientists, historians, artists, and writer contribute? What traditions of civil resilience should we refer to? What can we learn from civil engagement in times of war? How do young activists and leaders feel themselve on a border with Peace and War, in the Polish town of Przemyśl ? How has their life changed since February 2022?

You will have the opportunity to find answers for all these questions and to learn how civil society stays resilient, creative, and upholds the spirit of confidence, empathy and hope.

On August 23th a public discussion with the results of the project will be held and participants will have a chance to celebrate the Day of Independence of Ukraine with Ukrainian music.

Participation fee: 20 EUR for participants from Ukraine 50 EUR/220 PLN for participants from Poland 70 EUR for participants from Germany

Accommodation, food, travel costs and the program are covered by organizers. Participants should be ready to share twin rooms at youth hostel. You will receive roundtrip travel costs reimbursement from Germnay or Poland or Ukraine after the project.

The project is co-funded by @dpjw_pnwm Link to apply https://form.jotform.com/241656212050041 Subscribe @toleranceinu https://www.facebook.com/reel/1675727473183247
