Showing 50 of 52 results for your query "Halle"

  • OnlineChallenge - Eco Edition
  • OnlineChallenge - Eco Edition - Deutsch-Tschechisches Digitalprojekt
  • Katharina Nordhaus Jugendaustausch Halle-UfaHalle (Saale) und Ufa (Baschkortostans) pflegen eine lange Städtepartnerschaft. Der Verein *[Freunde Baschkortostans e.V.](* stärkt diese Partnerschaft durch verschiedene Veranstaltungen und die Realisierung unterschiedlicher Projekte. Das größte Projekt ist ein Jugendaustausch, bei dem 30 Jugendliche über mehrere Wochen im Sommer sowohl die Stadt Halle, als auch Ufa, die Hauptstadt Baschkortostans, entdecken. Die Jugendlichen leben in Gastfamilien, nehmen an einem vielseitigen Kulturprogramm (z.B. einer Radtour im Umland von Halle und einer Paddeltour im Ural) teil und setzen gemeinsam Projekte zu einem Thema innerhalb des Austauschs um. Für alle Teilnehmenden tragen alle Erfahrungen aus dieser Zeit zu einem unvergesslichen Sommer bei!
  • Katrin Haft Jetzt anmelden! 👉 Diskussionsabend "(Don't) mention the war!" in Halle (Saale)Am **15. Mai 2024** laden wir zu einem Follow-up des Gesprächsformats "~~Don't~~ mention the war!" nach Halle (Saale) ein. Mit unseren Gästen und Teilnehmenden möchten wir Bilanz ziehen und diskutieren, wie trotz aktueller Herausforderungen Begegnungsräume geschaffen und erhalten werden können und der Krieg in Jugendgruppen oder der Schule aktiv thematisiert werden kann. **Alle Infos unter gibt hier:** Der Diskssionsabend wird von der Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch, dem Städtepartnerschaftsverein Freunde Baschkortostans e.V. und Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. veranstaltet. ![](
  • Katrin Haft Jetzt anmelden! 👉 Diskussionsabend "(Don't) mention the war!" in Halle (Saale)Am 15. Mai 2024 laden wir zu einem Follow-up des Gesprächsformats "~~Don't~~ mention the war!" nach Halle (Saale) ein. Zwei Jahre nach dem russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine ist von den deutsch-russischen zivilgesellschaftlichen Beziehungen nicht mehr viel übrig. Die meisten Partnerschaften endeten oder pausieren. Mit unseren Gästen und Teilnehmenden ziehen wir Bilanz und diskutieren, wie trotz aktueller Herausforderungen Begegnungsräume geschaffen und erhalten werden können. **Alle Infos gibt es unter** Der Diskssionsabend wird von der Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch, dem Städtepartnerschaftsverein Freunde Baschkortostans e.V. und Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. veranstaltet. ![](
  • Babette Pohle Internationale Jugendbegegnung "Challenge yourself - your perfect fitness week" | 10.-16. Juli, Weimar | noch Plätze frei*Teilnehmende zwischen 14 und 18 Jahren gesucht für die internationale Jugendbegegnung „Challenge Yourself – your perfect fitness week“, 10. bis 16. Juli 2023* Sport machen, gesund kochen, malen oder Videos drehen, Jugendliche aus Deutschland, Polen und Lettland kennenlernen, Spaß haben, das Programm selbst mitgestalten – darum dreht sich unsere internationale Jugendbegegnung, die vom 10. bis 16. Juli 2023 in der Europäischen Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar (EJBW) stattfinden wird. Begleitet werdet Ihr von unseren beiden tollen und motivierten Teamerinnen. Seid mit dabei! Teilnahmebeitrag: 30,00€ Bei Fragen könnt Ihr Euch an Babette Pohle wenden: per Mail: auf Insta: wirweitweg_kvleipzig per Telefon oder Messenger: +4915780604244 Anmelden könnt Ihr Euch hier: Weitere Infos, Kontakt und Anmeldung unter:
  • Deutsch-Armenischer Schulaustausch: ELG Halle (Saale) -> Yerevaner staatliches geisteswissenschaftliches College
  • Пермь-Дуйсбург Dobro Challenge
  • Don't mention the war (Halle a.d. Saale)
  • Julia Hallebach
  • Organisation des Austausch Halle-Ufa 2022/ Обмен Уфа-Галле 2022 - ОргКоманда
  • Lenka Trčková
  • Diana Tuktarova
  • Ermal Progni
  • Axel Thomiczny
  • Kamil Akhmetgaleev
  • Anna Rausch
  • Tianyi Guo
  • Anna Klimmasch
  • Iryna Bogoslav
  • Prostor pro rozvoj Spolek 👆Přihlašování otevřeno // Anmeldung eröffnet👆Digitalizace a sociální média patří neoddělitelně k našemu každodennímu životu a zvláště pro mladé lidi představují jednu velkou část jejich světa. 🌏 Ještě intenzivněji pronikl online svět do našich životů v době uzavřených hranic.📱A právě v této době vznikla myšlenka se setkávat alespoň v rámci naší OnlineChallege, když už to není možné osobně. 🤝 // Digitalisierung und soziale Medien gehören zu unserem Alltag und besonders für die Jugendlichen stellen einen großen Teil der Welt dar. 🌏 Noch stärker hat die Online-Welt in der Zeit der geschlossenen Grenzen unser Leben durchdrungen. 📱Und genau in dieser Zeit entstand die Idee sich zumindest im Rahmen einer OnlineChallenge zu begegnen, wenn es persönlich nicht möglich ist. 🤝 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 PŘIHLAŠOVÁNÍ ZDE: ANMELDUNG HIER:
  • Artivists
  • Freunde Baschkortostans e.V.
  • Обмен в сети - Галле и Уфа
  • Oleksii Sliusarenko LIKHTAR Meet Up: May 23The first Likhtar Meet Up in 2023! Come and get acquainted 🙂 On May 23 we gonna see each other online to discuss the actual challenges and needs in youth work from the point of view of Ukrainian educators and youth workers. We will start at 17:00 (Kyiv time), please, register here: Language: Ukrainian
  • Henrike Reuther Kamingespräche der Stiftung DRJA sind gestartetGestern haben wir uns in gemütlicher Runde zu unserem ersten Online-Kamingespräch zusammengefunden, um mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern nicht-gymnasiualer Schulformen in einem netten informellen Austausch die Herausforderungen zu analysieren, vor der die Projektleitungen stehen, um einen deutsch-russischen Austausch an ihrer Schule durchzuführen und das nicht nur in Zeit der Pandemie. Ziel der Gespräche ist es, auszuloten, wie die Stiftung ihre Angebote verbessern und die Projektleitungen unterstützen kann, um langfristig mehr Schülerinnen und Schülern am deutsch-russischen Jugendaustausch zu beteligen. Wir waren beeindruckt, von der großen Motivation, die unsere Teilnehmenden mitbrachten und freuen uns über die ersten Anregungen, die wir gestern erhalten haben. Haben auch Sie Tipps für uns, wie der Austausch an nicht-gymnasialien Schulformen verstetig werden kann? Dann freuen wir uns auf die Teilnahme an einem unserer folgenden Kamingespräche. Das nächste findet am 22.9. ab 16 Uhr hier auf statt. Anmelden können Sie sich hier:
  • Oleksii Sliusarenko LIKHTAR MeetUp!The first Likhtar Meet Up in 2023! Come and get acquainted 🙂 On May 23 we gonna see each other online to discuss the actual challenges and needs in youth work from the point of view of Ukrainian educators and youth workers. We will start at 17:00 (Kyiv time), please, register here: Language: Ukrainian
  • Julian May-Johann Online workshop "Digital we-feeling": 15.3.-7.4. + 1.5h online seminar on 22.3.You can only register for the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" until **7.3.**. The training is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects, as well as **specialists** in international youth work. The topic of the first module is **"Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid? "**. ![](https://) **Team-building measures** are the basis of high-quality educational work. In the course of increasing digitalisation, innovative opportunities are opening up - at the same time we are confronted with new risks. What challenges do we have to face in digital and hybrid youth exchanges? And why is the topic so important? ![](https://) At the online workshop, the Foundation for German-Russian Youth Exchange in cooperation with Fairlinked and wechange eG will provide professionals with an understanding of analogue, digital and hybrid exchange formats. Together, we want to learn when digital exchange can be a valuable addition and how team-building can also be implemented digitally. The training takes place in a **blended learning format** and consists of an **online meeting** as well as a **4-week asynchronous accompanying programme** on the DINA platform. ![](https://) Further information and the registration form can be found [here]( ![](https://) This event will be held in German only.
  • Julian May-Johann Online workshop "Digitales Wir-Gefühl": 15.3.-7.4. + 1,5h online seminar on 22.3.You can only register for the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" until **7.3.**. The training is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects, as well as **specialists** in international youth work. The topic of the first module is **"Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid? "**. ![](https://) **Team-building measures** are the basis of high-quality educational work. In the course of increasing digitalisation, innovative opportunities are opening up - at the same time we are confronted with new risks. What challenges do we have to face in digital and hybrid youth exchanges? And why is the topic so important? ![](https://) At the online workshop, the Foundation for German-Russian Youth Exchange in cooperation with Fairlinked and wechange eG will provide professionals with an understanding of analogue, digital and hybrid exchange formats. Together, we want to learn when digital exchange can be a valuable addition and how team-building can also be implemented digitally. The training takes place in a **blended learning format** and consists of an **online meeting** as well as a **4-week asynchronous accompanying programme** on the DINA platform. ![](https://) Further information and the registration form can be found [here]( ![](https://) This event will be held in German only.
  • Julian May-Johann Online workshop "Digitales Wir-Gefühl": 15.3.-7.4. + 1,5h online seminar on 22.3.You can only register for the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" until **7.3.**. The training is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects, as well as **specialists** in international youth work. The topic of the first module is **"Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid? "**. ![](https://) **Team-building measures** are the basis of high-quality educational work. In the course of increasing digitalisation, innovative opportunities are opening up - at the same time we are confronted with new risks. What challenges do we have to face in digital and hybrid youth exchanges? And why is the topic so important? ![](https://) At the online workshop, the Foundation for German-Russian Youth Exchange in cooperation with Fairlinked and wechange eG will provide professionals with an understanding of analogue, digital and hybrid exchange formats. Together, we want to learn when digital exchange can be a valuable addition and how team-building can also be implemented digitally. The training takes place in a **blended learning format** and consists of an **online meeting** as well as a **4-week asynchronous accompanying programme** on the DINA platform. ![](https://) Further information and the registration form can be found [here]( ![](https://) This event will be held in German only.
  • Julian May-Johann How-To Hybrid Exchange? Register only until 13.10.From **16.10. to 8.11.** the one-month multiplier training "Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" will take place on DINA. The training consists of a **4-week asynchronous work phase on DINA** and **two online meetings** in the middle and at the end of the training. The training is the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" and is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects as well as **specialists** in international youth work. In the training, participants acquire an understanding of the different formats of exchange (analogue, digital, hybrid) and the ability to identify their opportunities and challenges. Participants will learn that **hybrid formats** need to be managed differently than purely **digital or analogue formats** and will also be able to assess where digital exchange offers a valuable addition to their services. In addition, the **five steps of digital team building** are taught. Participants receive working materials and acquire competences for independent implementation of the training format. In the **asynchronous work phase on DINA**, participants work on **their own hybrid project ideas** and give each other feedback on them. The end product can therefore be an individual hybrid project concept. Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the training. You can find more information about the training [here]( You can register directly via the [event on DINA]( by 13 October. The training is free of charge and will be held in German.
  • Julian May-Johann How-To Hybrid Exchange? Register only until 13.10.From **16.10. to 8.11.** the one-month multiplier training "Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" will take place on DINA. The training consists of a **4-week asynchronous work phase on DINA** and **two online meetings** in the middle and at the end of the training. The training is the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" and is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects as well as **specialists** in international youth work. In the training, participants acquire an understanding of the different formats of exchange (analogue, digital, hybrid) and the ability to identify their opportunities and challenges. Participants will learn that **hybrid formats** need to be managed differently than purely **digital or analogue formats** and will also be able to assess where digital exchange offers a valuable addition to their services. In addition, the **five steps of digital team building** are taught. Participants receive working materials and acquire competences for independent implementation of the training format. In the **asynchronous work phase on DINA**, participants work on **their own hybrid project ideas** and give each other feedback on them. The end product can therefore be an individual hybrid project concept. Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the training. You can find more information about the training [here]( You can register directly via the [event on DINA]( by 13 October. The training is free of charge and will be held in German.
  • Julian May-Johann Online workshop "Digitales Wir-Gefühl": 15.3.-7.4. + 1,5h online seminar on 22.3.You can only register for the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" until **7.3.**. The training is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects, as well as **specialists** in international youth work. The topic of the first module is **"Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid? "**. ![](https://) **Team-building measures** are the basis of high-quality educational work. In the course of increasing digitalisation, innovative opportunities are opening up - at the same time we are confronted with new risks. What challenges do we have to face in digital and hybrid youth exchanges? And why is the topic so important? ![](https://) At the online workshop, the Foundation for German-Russian Youth Exchange in cooperation with Fairlinked and wechange eG will provide professionals with an understanding of analogue, digital and hybrid exchange formats. Together, we want to learn when digital exchange can be a valuable addition and how team-building can also be implemented digitally. The training takes place in a **blended learning format** and consists of an **online meeting** as well as a **4-week asynchronous accompanying programme** on the DINA platform. ![](https://) Further information and the registration form can be found [here]( ![](https://) This event will be held in German only.
  • Julian May-Johann Online workshop "Successful team building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" 16.10. to 8.11.From **16.10. to 8.11.** the one-month multiplier training "Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" will take place on DINA. The training consists of a **4-week asynchronous work phase on DINA** and **two online meetings** in the middle and at the end of the training. The training is the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" and is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects as well as **specialists** in international youth work. In the training, participants acquire an understanding of the different formats of exchange (analogue, digital, hybrid) and the ability to identify their opportunities and challenges. Participants will learn that **hybrid formats** need to be managed differently than purely **digital or analogue formats** and will also be able to assess where digital exchange offers a valuable addition to their services. In addition, the **five steps of digital team building** are taught. Participants receive working materials and acquire competences for independent implementation of the training format. In the **asynchronous work phase on DINA**, participants work on **their own hybrid project ideas** and give each other feedback on them. The end product can therefore be an individual hybrid project concept. Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the training. You can find more information about the training [here]( You can register directly via the [event on DINA]( by 13 October. The training is free of charge and will be held in German.
  • Julian May-Johann How-To Hybrid Exchange? Register only until 13.10.From **16.10. to 8.11.** the one-month multiplier training "Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" will take place on DINA. The training consists of a **4-week asynchronous work phase on DINA** and **two online meetings** in the middle and at the end of the training. The training is the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" and is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects as well as **specialists** in international youth work. In the training, participants acquire an understanding of the different formats of exchange (analogue, digital, hybrid) and the ability to identify their opportunities and challenges. Participants will learn that **hybrid formats** need to be managed differently than purely **digital or analogue formats** and will also be able to assess where digital exchange offers a valuable addition to their services. In addition, the **five steps of digital team building** are taught. Participants receive working materials and acquire competences for independent implementation of the training format. In the **asynchronous work phase on DINA**, participants work on **their own hybrid project ideas** and give each other feedback on them. The end product can therefore be an individual hybrid project concept. Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the training. You can find more information about the training [here]( You can register directly via the [event on DINA]( by 13 October. The training is free of charge and will be held in German.
  • Julian May-Johann How-To Hybrid Exchange? Register only until 13.10.From **16.10. to 8.11.** the one-month multiplier training "Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" will take place on DINA. The training consists of a **4-week asynchronous work phase on DINA** and **two online meetings** in the middle and at the end of the training. The training is the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" and is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects as well as **specialists** in international youth work. In the training, participants acquire an understanding of the different formats of exchange (analogue, digital, hybrid) and the ability to identify their opportunities and challenges. Participants will learn that **hybrid formats** need to be managed differently than purely **digital or analogue formats** and will also be able to assess where digital exchange offers a valuable addition to their services. In addition, the **five steps of digital team building** are taught. Participants receive working materials and acquire competences for independent implementation of the training format. In the **asynchronous work phase on DINA**, participants work on **their own hybrid project ideas** and give each other feedback on them. The end product can therefore be an individual hybrid project concept. Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the training. You can find more information about the training [here]( You can register directly via the [event on DINA]( by 13 October. The training is free of charge and will be held in German.
  • Julian May-Johann Online workshop "Successful team building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" 16.10. to 8.11.From **16.10. to 8.11.** the one-month multiplier training "Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" will take place on DINA. The training consists of a **4-week asynchronous work phase on DINA** and **two online meetings** in the middle and at the end of the training. The training is the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" and is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects as well as **specialists** in international youth work. In the training, participants acquire an understanding of the different formats of exchange (analogue, digital, hybrid) and the ability to identify their opportunities and challenges. Participants will learn that **hybrid formats** need to be managed differently than purely **digital or analogue formats** and will also be able to assess where digital exchange offers a valuable addition to their services. In addition, the **five steps of digital team building** are taught. Participants receive working materials and acquire competences for independent implementation of the training format. In the **asynchronous work phase on DINA**, participants work on **their own hybrid project ideas** and give each other feedback on them. The end product can therefore be an individual hybrid project concept. Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the training. You can find more information about the training [here]( You can register directly via the [event on DINA]( by 13 October. The training is free of charge and will be held in German.
  • Julian May-Johann Online workshop "Successful team building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" 16.10. to 8.11.From **16.10. to 8.11.** the one-month multiplier training "Successful team-building in modern youth exchange: analogue, digital or hybrid?" will take place on DINA. The training consists of a **4-week asynchronous work phase on DINA** and **two online meetings** in the middle and at the end of the training. The training is the first module of the training series "Digitales Wir-Gefühl - Jugendaustausch hybrid gestalten" and is aimed at **teachers** who organise international projects as well as **specialists** in international youth work. In the training, participants acquire an understanding of the different formats of exchange (analogue, digital, hybrid) and the ability to identify their opportunities and challenges. Participants will learn that **hybrid formats** need to be managed differently than purely **digital or analogue formats** and will also be able to assess where digital exchange offers a valuable addition to their services. In addition, the **five steps of digital team building** are taught. Participants receive working materials and acquire competences for independent implementation of the training format. In the **asynchronous work phase on DINA**, participants work on **their own hybrid project ideas** and give each other feedback on them. The end product can therefore be an individual hybrid project concept. Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the training. You can find more information about the training [here]( You can register directly via the [event on DINA]( by 13 October. The training is free of charge and will be held in German.
  • Focko Kreutzkamp
  • School exchange Wrocław-Langen-Lviv
  • Socio-ecological transformation & international school exchange - 4.-8.12.2023 Weimar
  • Tetiana Kriukovska LIKHTAR project *** Проєкт LIKHTAR***Netzwerk aus Akteur*innen der Jugendarbeit***********LIKHTAR has started at Bildungsstätte Bredbeck! LIKHTAR brings together an active community of youth workers, representatives of non-formal education and artists who were forced to leave Ukraine due to the war with Russia and are temporarily based in Germany. LIKHTAR builds this network through online and offline cultural and educational events: international youth exchanges, seminars and conferences, photo exhibitions, film screenings, etc. LIKHTAR studies the issue of how to talk about the war with young people, develops educational methods for working with young people for this purpose and works with the challenges of international non-formal education in connection with the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. International exchange between Ukraine, Poland, Germany and other European countries is one of the priorities of the project. Contact: Project coordinator Tetiana Kriukovska +4915226177157 The project team speaks Ukrainian, English, German and Russian. The project is implemented by Bildungsstätte Bredbeck in cooperation with the Ukrainian NGO Tolerance in you, with the financial support of DPJW. ********Проєкт LIKHTAR стартував у Bildungsstätte Bredbeck! LIKHTAR згуртовує активну спільноту молодіжних працівників, представників та представниць неформальної освіти та творчих активних людей, які були змушені покинути Україну через війну з Росією і тимчасово перебувають у Німеччині. LIKHTAR будує цю спільноту через онлайн і оффлайн культурні та освітні заходи: міжнародні молодіжні обміни, семінари та конференції для людей, які працюють з молоддю, фотовиставки, кінопокази тощо. LIKHTAR шукає відповідь на питання, як говорити про війну з молоддю, розробляє освітні методи роботи з молоддю для цього та працює з викликами у міжнародній неформальній освіті у зв’язку з війною, яка триває між Росією й Україною. Міжнародний культурний обмін між Україною, Польщею, Німеччиною та іншими країнами Європи є одним із пріоритетних напрямків проекту. Контакти: Координаторка проєкту: Тетяна Крюковська +4915226177157 Команда проєкту говорить українською, англійською, німецькою, російською. Проєкт реалізується Bildungsstätte Bredbeck у партнерстві з українською громадською організацією Tolerance in you, за фінансової підтримки DPJW Es ist soweit! Die Bildungsstätte Bredbeck startet das Projekt LIKHTAR. *********LIKHTAR bildet ein Netzwerk aus Akteur*innen der Jugendarbeit, der nicht-formalen Bildung und der kreativen Menschen, die aus der Ukraine durch den Krieg vertrieben wurden und temporär in Deutschland sind. LIKHTAR verknüpft das Netzwerk dank den Kultur- und Bildungsveranstaltungen (online und live), darunter sind internationale Jugendaustausche, Seminare und Tagungen für Fachkräfte der Jugendarbeit, Fotoausstellungen, Filmevents usw. LIKHTAR sucht die Antwort auf die Frage find, wie man mit Jugendlichen über den Krieg sprechen kann. Dafür wollen wir neue Herangehensweisen für die Jugendarbeit entwickeln. Wir werden uns aktiv mit Herausforderungen in der internationalen Jugendarbeit auseinandersetzen, die wegen des Kriegs zwischen der Ukraine und Russland entstanden sind. Internationaler Austausch zwischen der Ukraine, Polen und Deutschland und sowie auch den anderen Ländern Europas steht im Vordergrund. Ansprechperson: Projektkoordinatorin Tetiana Kriukovska +4915226177157 Unser Team spricht Ukrainisch, Englisch, Deutsch und Russisch Das Projekt wurde von der Bildungsstätte Bredbeck in Kooperation mit NGO Tolerance in you entwickelt und mit der Förderung vom DPJW realisiert.
  • Training of trainers
  • Tetiana Kriukovska ENG, DE are below. Проєкт LIKHTAR стартував у Bildungsstätte Bredbeck! LIKHTAR згуртовує активну спільноту молодіжних працівників, представників та представниць неформальної освіти та творчих активних людей, які були змушені покинути Україну через війну Росії в Україні і перебувають у Німеччині. LIKHTAR будує цю спільноту через онлайн і оффлайн культурні та освітні заходи: міжнародні молодіжні обміни, семінари та конференції для людей, які працюють з молоддю, фотовиставки, кінопокази тощо. LIKHTAR шукає відповідь на питання, як говорити про війну з молоддю, розробляє освітні методи роботи з молоддю для цього та працює з викликами у міжнародній неформальній освіті. Міжнародний культурний обмін між Україною, Польщею, Німеччиною та іншими країнами Європи є одним із пріоритетних напрямків проекту. Проєкт реалізується Bildungsstätte Bredbeck у партнерстві з українською громадською організацією «Tolerance in you», за фінансової підтримки Міністерства закор-донних справ Німеччини через DPJW. Es ist soweit! Die Bildungsstätte Bredbeck startet das Projekt LIKHTAR. LIKHTAR bildet ein Netzwerk aus Akteur*innen der Jugendarbeit, der nicht-formalen Bildung und der kreativen Menschen, die aus der Ukra-ine durch den Russlands Krieg vertrieben wur-den und in Deutschland sind. LIKHTAR verknüpft das Netzwerk dank den Kultur- und Bildungsveranstaltungen (online und live), darunter sind internationale Jugendaus-tausche, Seminare und Tagungen für Fachkräf-te der Jugendarbeit, Fotoausstellungen, Filme-vents usw. LIKHTAR sucht die Antwort auf die Frage find, wie man mit Jugendlichen über den Krieg spre-chen kann. Dafür wollen wir neue Herange-hensweisen für die Jugendarbeit entwickeln. Wir werden uns aktiv mit Herausforderungen in der internationalen Jugendarbeit auseinander-setzen.. Internationaler Austausch zwischen der Ukraine, Polen und Deutschland und sowie auch den anderen Ländern Europas steht im Vordergrund. Das Projekt wurde von der Bildungsstätte Bred-beck in Kooperation mit NGO «Tolerance in you» entwickelt und mit der Förderung vom Auswärtiges Amt über DPJW realisiert. The LIKHTAR project has started at Bildungsstätte Bredbeck! LIKHTAR brings together an active community of youth workers, representatives of non-formal education and artists who were forced to leave Ukraine due to the Russian war in Ukraine and are based in Germany. LIKHTAR builds this network through online and offline cultural and educational events: interna-tional youth exchanges, seminars and confer-ences for young people, photo exhibitions, film screenings, etc. LIKHTAR studies the issue of how to talk about the war with young people develops educational methods for working with young people for this purpose and works with the challenges of inter-national non-formal education. International cultural exchange between Ukraine, Poland, Germany and other European countries is one of the priorities of the project. Bildungsstätte Bredbeck implements the project in cooperation with the NGO from Ukraine «Tolerance in you», with the financial support of Federal Foreign Office via DPJW. #PNWM #DPJWPNWM #DPJW #Likhtarproject #TRIYOU #Bredbeck #toleranceinyou #youthwork