Schoolovision on tour


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  • About the Project

Schoolovision is an online eTwinning project that is running in its 15th year now. About 30-40 schools from almost all European countries and also from outside Europe take part in the project every year.
Primary School No. 1 in Bogatynia - Poland and Freie Schule Kassel - Germany have been partners in this project from the very beginning. Our partner from Cherkasy First City Gymnasium joined the project in 2016.
Taking our pupils on a journey to Schoolovision partner schools after 15 years of online cooperation feels like an obvious step to take to develop our cooperation further. We can rely on well-established processes and trustworthy partners and wish to give our pupils and teachers the opportunity to meet in person once again, like we did for our 10th anniversary in Krzyżowa five years ago. They will get the chance to develop, rehearse and produce video and audio material as they are used to. This is combined with the added benefit that they will now do it together on an international scale, thus learning hands-on about the other partners' cultures and languages. Besides this, the planned workshop activities in various fields from dance choreography to video editing and digital programming will be great learning experiences that can be used together right away and also for the future national entries to the usual Schoolovision project which thus will also benefit from these activities.
The topics of peace, friendship, nature, ecology, health, school, family and art, which were represented in so many Schoolovision videos for
more than a decade, will be even more representational when our pupils get to meet in person and get rocking in "Schoolovision on Tour".

Portal Partner

DPJW PNWM / Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk Polsko-Niemiecka Współpraca Młodzieży ( website)

Das Deutsch-Polnische Jugendwerk (DPJW) finanziert und initiiert deutsch-polnische Jugendbegegnungen und unterstützt sie inhaltlich. Damit fördert es das gegenseitige Kennenlernen, Verständnis und die Zusammenarbeit junger Menschen aus Deutschland und Polen. Es hilft seit 30 Jahren friedliche nachbarschaftliche Beziehungen aufzubauen. Für Organisatorinnen und Organisatoren von Jugendbegegnungen bietet das DPJW außerdem Fortbildungen, Konferenzen, Seminare und Publikationen, die ihnen helfen sollen, sich besser auf die Begegnung vorzubereiten. Das alles nun auch digital.


Created on: 03/13/2023
Last updated on: 03/13/2023

  • Contact

Location: Bogatynia

Project administrator:  Marek Fularz

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